Material Procurement Basic Policy
We will help preserve the global environment and realize enriched and human friendly social environment with the motto of "Good Faith, Creation, Challenge" which is our corporate management philosophy.
We will place importance on cooperation and trust building with our business partners based on fair transactions and will work throughout the supply chain to strengthen our ties with business partners in Japan and overseas, leading to mutual growth.
1. Procurement Supplier Selection Policy
When starting transactions, we preferentially select companies that meet the following four conditions and also give priority for ongoing transactions.
(1)Comply with laws and regulations, social norms, etc., and place great importance on consideration for human rights and the environment.
(2)Has a sound business practice
(3)To be able to stably secure the required amount at the required time in order to meet the delivery time and demand fluctuations required by the customer at an appropriate price and quality.
(4)Properly protect and manage confidential information and personal information obtained through transactions.
2.Notice to our suppliers
We request you as our supplier to implement the following items. We also request that your suppliers understand and implement the same.
(1)Compliance with laws and social norms
- Thorough compliance with relevant laws and regulations (antitrust law, commercial law, subcontract law, foreign exchange law, personal information protection law, etc.)
- Elimination of relationship with companies that are related to antisocial forces.
- Not using conflict minerals.
(2)Environmenatl consideration
- Promote green procurement in consideration of the global environment and reduce environmental impact throughout the product life cycle.
(3)Ensureing excellent quality
- In order to meet our customer needs, we strive to maintain and improve quality and provide safe and reliable products and services that meet our required standards.
(4)Securing delivery time and establishing stable supply system
- Establish a stable and flexible supply system of materials and services to continuously supply products to customers and respond to demand and supply fluctuations.
(5)Maintain and improve employees' health by creating work environment where employees feel supported.